Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Day 37 - Jn

Awake, arise, go forth and accomplish much...Or something.

EVERYTHING TASTES BITTER. EVERYTHING! It's about the uncoolest thing ever. Web MD thinks I have cyanide poisoning. So I asked myself, "Self," I said, "do you feel like you are dying of cyanide poisoning?" But seeing as how I don't rightly know what dying of cyanide poisoning I couldn't exactly give myself a satisfactory answer. I checked the interwebs again later and clicked on a crackpot looking site because if I was going to die anyway it probably wouldn't hurt me. Seems I am suffering from cacogeusia which is as legit as it is obnoxious and apparently its a new thing? Sigh. I might not eat again ever. Oh's from pine nuts, which are in the stir fry..which I have eaten for 3 days. Merrrrrr.....

No workout- planned
Breakfast- LO Huevos, frozenish fruit salad, 50/50 apple juice, TJs duchess grey tea
Lunch- Chicken Stirfry, peppers, Mate
Snack- Mac nuts
Dinner- Frozenables-Stuffed pepper, 50/50 berry juice, lavender tea

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